Lochwinnoch Community Development Trust (LCDT) is a non-profit making company limited by guarantee (SC445206), which was originally formed as Lochwinnoch Community Development Company in 2013. In 2018 it changed from a Company to a Trust in order to broaden its remit and is now a member of the Development Trusts Association of Scotland (DTAS). LCDT has also received Charitable status (SC053157). The organisation currently has six directors and over 300 members. The inaugural general meeting of LCDT was held on December 5th 2018.
Lochwinnoch is a village nestled between Clyde Muirshiel Regional Park and Castle Semple Loch, in Renfrewshire, with around 2600 residents. Lochwinnoch has numerous community assets which LCDT exists to support, maintain and even potentially develop into enterprises with social and environmental purposes. Lochwinnoch is a historic village, with a variety of local interest groups and sites of scientific interest, on the edge of a regional park, hosting a bird sanctuary, with many young families, older residents and everyone in between. In addition, we have a host of natural resources which, we believe, if put to good use, could financially enrich the community of the village as well as lead us, collectively, towards a more ethical and sustainable future.
Current Board Members (updated February 2024)
Diarmid Harris – Chair is a retired Depute Head who has recently returned to Lochwinnoch. He is on the Steering Committee for the Muirshiel Regeneration Project.
Martin Mansell – Secretary is a retired Civil Engineer who specialises in hydrology and renewable energy. He has been a director of LCDT since it was formed in 2019, as well as being a member of the board of LEAP (Local Energy Action Project).
Bill White – Treasurer is recently retired after spending 26 years in banking and then 16 years in Higher Education (the last 6 at the University of Glasgow). He brings experience from a diverse background in finance, project management, training, and various departmental management roles. He moved to Lochwinnoch in 2015 and joined the LCDT in 2023 now that he has the time to dedicate to assisting us in the implementation of our various projects and has taken on the role of Treasurer.
Ann Kerr – Director has lived in Lochwinnoch for over 40 years. Her grown-up family and grandchild were all born at Paisley Maternity Hospital and her parents retired to the village. Originally trained as a general and sick children’s nurse, Ann retired from the NHS as a senior manager several years ago.
Rafe Dewar – Director works as a professional ecologist and regularly undertakes voluntary wildlife surveys across Renfrewshire. He is a committee member of the Lochwinnoch Force For Nature (LFFN) group which was formed to record and promote an awareness of wildlife and biodiversity in and around the village, and undertake practical conservation projects.
Dianne Allan – Director moved to Lochwinnoch from Cumbria 7 years ago. Dianne is a semi-retired physiotherapist with a long standing interests in outdoor activities and ecology. She volunteers with Clyde Muirsheil Regional Park and her husband Dhirajyoti is secretary for Lochwinnoch Force for Nature. Additionally, both Dianne and Dhirajyoti volunteer with Eadha Enterprises.